A 2D multi-material continuum physics engine designed for real-time applications.
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soft2d_core.h File Reference
#include <soft2d/soft2d.h>

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struct  S2Vec2
struct  S2Vec2I
struct  S2Material
struct  S2Kinematics
struct  S2BoxShape
struct  S2CircleShape
struct  S2EllipseShape
struct  S2CapsuleShape
struct  S2PolygonShape
union  S2ShapeUnion
struct  S2Shape
struct  S2Particle
struct  S2CollisionParameter
struct  S2WorldConfig
 Structure S2WorldConfig More...


#define S2_VERSION   2001
#define S2_FALSE   0
#define S2_TRUE   1
#define S2_NULL_HANDLE   0


typedef uint32_t S2Bool
typedef uint32_t S2Flags
typedef struct S2World_t * S2World
typedef struct S2Body_t * S2Body
typedef struct S2Collider_t * S2Collider
typedef struct S2Trigger_t * S2Trigger
typedef struct S2Vec2 S2Vec2
typedef struct S2Vec2I S2Vec2I
typedef enum S2MaterialType S2MaterialType
typedef struct S2Material S2Material
typedef enum S2Mobility S2Mobility
typedef struct S2Kinematics S2Kinematics
typedef enum S2ShapeType S2ShapeType
typedef struct S2BoxShape S2BoxShape
typedef struct S2CircleShape S2CircleShape
typedef struct S2EllipseShape S2EllipseShape
typedef struct S2CapsuleShape S2CapsuleShape
typedef struct S2PolygonShape S2PolygonShape
typedef union S2ShapeUnion S2ShapeUnion
typedef struct S2Shape S2Shape
typedef struct S2Particle S2Particle
typedef enum S2OutWorldBoundaryPolicy S2OutWorldBoundaryPolicy
typedef enum S2CollisionType S2CollisionType
typedef struct S2CollisionParameter S2CollisionParameter
typedef struct S2WorldConfig S2WorldConfig
 Structure S2WorldConfig
typedef void(* S2ParticleManipulationCallback) (S2Particle *particles, uint32_t size)
typedef enum S2BufferName S2BufferName


enum  S2MaterialType {
  S2_MATERIAL_TYPE_MAX_ENUM = 0xffffffff
enum  S2ShapeType {
enum  S2BufferName {
  S2_BUFFER_NAME_MAX_ENUM = 0xffffffff


S2_API S2World S2_API_CALL s2_create_world (TiArch arch, TiRuntime runtime, const S2WorldConfig *config)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_destroy_world (S2World world)
S2_API S2Body S2_API_CALL s2_create_body (S2World world, const S2Material *material, const S2Kinematics *kinematics, const S2Shape *shape, uint32_t tag)
S2_API S2Body S2_API_CALL s2_create_custom_body (S2World world, const S2Material *material, const S2Kinematics *kinematics, uint32_t particle_num, void *particles_in_local_space, uint32_t tag)
S2_API S2Body S2_API_CALL s2_create_mesh_body (S2World world, const S2Material *material, const S2Kinematics *kinematics, uint32_t particle_num, void *particles_in_local_space, uint32_t index_num, void *indices, uint32_t tag)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_destroy_body (S2Body body)
S2_API S2Collider S2_API_CALL s2_create_collider (S2World world, const S2Kinematics *kinematics, const S2Shape *shape, const S2CollisionParameter *collision_parameter)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_destroy_collider (S2Collider collider)
S2_API S2Trigger S2_API_CALL s2_create_trigger (S2World world, const S2Kinematics *kinematics, const S2Shape *shape)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_destroy_trigger (S2Trigger trigger)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_step (S2World world, float delta_time)
S2_API S2WorldConfig S2_API_CALL s2_get_world_config (S2World world)
S2_API S2Vec2I S2_API_CALL s2_get_world_grid_resolution (S2World world)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_substep_timestep (S2World world, float delta_time)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_gravity (S2World world, const S2Vec2 *gravity)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_world_query_enabled (S2World world, uint32_t enable)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_world_offset (S2World world, const S2Vec2 *offset)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_world_extent (S2World world, const S2Vec2 *extent)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_mesh_body_force_scale (S2World world, float scale)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_apply_impulse_in_circular_area (S2World world, const S2Vec2 *impulse, const S2Vec2 *center, float radius)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_get_buffer (S2World world, S2BufferName buffer_name, TiNdArray *buffer)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_export_buffer_to_texture (S2World world, S2BufferName buffer_name, S2Bool y_flipped, float scale, const TiTexture *texture)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_apply_linear_impulse (S2Body body, const S2Vec2 *impulse)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_apply_angular_impulse (S2Body body, float impulse)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_body_material (S2Body body, const S2Material *material)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_body_tag (S2Body body, uint32_t tag)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_collider_position (S2Collider collider, const S2Vec2 *position)
S2_API S2Vec2 S2_API_CALL s2_get_collider_position (S2Collider collider)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_collider_rotation (S2Collider collider, float rotation)
S2_API float S2_API_CALL s2_get_collider_rotation (S2Collider collider)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_collider_linear_velocity (S2Collider collider, const S2Vec2 *linear_velocity)
S2_API S2Vec2 S2_API_CALL s2_get_collider_linear_velocity (S2Collider collider)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_collider_angular_velocity (S2Collider collider, float angular_velocity)
S2_API float S2_API_CALL s2_get_collider_angular_velocity (S2Collider collider)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_trigger_position (S2Trigger trigger, const S2Vec2 *position)
S2_API S2Vec2 S2_API_CALL s2_get_trigger_position (S2Trigger trigger)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_trigger_rotation (S2Trigger trigger, float rotation)
S2_API float S2_API_CALL s2_get_trigger_rotation (S2Trigger trigger)
S2_API uint32_t S2_API_CALL s2_query_trigger_overlapped (S2Trigger trigger)
S2_API uint32_t S2_API_CALL s2_query_trigger_overlapped_by_tag (S2Trigger trigger, uint32_t tag, uint32_t mask)
S2_API uint32_t S2_API_CALL s2_query_particle_num_in_trigger (S2Trigger trigger)
S2_API uint32_t S2_API_CALL s2_query_particle_num_in_trigger_by_tag (S2Trigger trigger, uint32_t tag, uint32_t mask)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_remove_particles_in_trigger (S2Trigger trigger)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_remove_particles_in_trigger_by_tag (S2Trigger trigger, uint32_t tag, uint32_t mask)
S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_manipulate_particles_in_trigger (S2Trigger trigger, S2ParticleManipulationCallback callback)

Detailed Description

Soft2D utilizes Taichi C-API, some soft2d interfaces require taichi c-api types such as TiArch, TiRuntime, TiNdarray. Thus, the Taichi C-API header should be included before the soft2d header in practical coding. The documentation of Taichi C-API could be found at Taichi C-API Documentation.

Unless specified otherwise, physical quantity units in soft2d follow the international standard. For instance, length-related parameters should be given in 'meter', velocity-related parameters in 'meters per second'.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define S2_FALSE   0

Definition S2_FALSE

A condition or a predicate is not satisfied; a statement is invalid.


#define S2_NULL_HANDLE   0

Definition S2_NULL_HANDLE

A sentinel invalid handle that will never be produced from a valid call to Soft2D C-API.


#define S2_TRUE   1

Definition S2_TRUE

A condition or a predicate is satisfied; a statement is valid.

Typedef Documentation

◆ S2Body

typedef struct S2Body_t* S2Body

Handle S2Body

A body is a continuum to be simulated, which is composed of a group of particles. A body has properties such as center, mobility, material, etc.

◆ S2Bool

typedef uint32_t S2Bool

Alias S2Bool

A boolean value. Can be either `S2_TRUE` or `S2_FALSE`. Assignment with other values could lead to undefined behavior.

◆ S2BoxShape

typedef struct S2BoxShape S2BoxShape

Structure S2BoxShape

A box shape.

◆ S2BufferName

typedef enum S2BufferName S2BufferName

Enumeration S2BufferName

The names of soft2d's internal buffer, mainly used in s2_get_buffer(). Soft2D exposes a series of internal GPU buffers, the subsequent table shows the detailed descriptions of each buffer.

Buffer Name Element Data Type Dimension Shape Flatten size (in bytes)
particle_num int 1 1 1*sizeof(int)
particle_position float2 1 P P*2*sizeof(float)
particle_velocity float2 1 P P*2*sizeof(float)
particle_tag int 1 P P*sizeof(int)
particle_id int 1 P P*sizeof(int)
fine_grid_collider_num int 2 (FG.x, FG.y) FG.x*FG.y*sizeof(int)
fine_grid_trigger_id int 2 (FG.x, FG.y) FG.x*FG.y*sizeof(int)
element_indices int 1 E E*3*sizeof(int)
  • P: Number of particles.
  • E: Number of triangle elements.
  • (FG.x, FG.y): Resolution of the fine grid.

◆ S2CapsuleShape

Structure S2CapsuleShape

A capsule shape. The default pose is lying along the x-axis.

◆ S2CircleShape

typedef struct S2CircleShape S2CircleShape

Structure S2CircleShape

A circle shape.

◆ S2Collider

typedef struct S2Collider_t* S2Collider

Handle S2Collider

A collider is an obstacle within the world that blocks the motion of bodies.

◆ S2CollisionParameter

Structure S2CollisionParameter

Colliders' collision parameters. Indicates a particle's behavior when colliding with the collider.

◆ S2CollisionType

Enumeration S2CollisionType

Colliders' collision types. Specifies a particle's behavior when colliding with a collider.

◆ S2EllipseShape

Structure S2EllipseShape

An ellipse shape.

◆ S2Flags

typedef uint32_t S2Flags

Alias S2Flags

A bit field that can be used to represent 32 orthogonal flags. Bits unspecified in the corresponding flag enum are ignored.

Enumerations and bit-field flags in the C-API have a S2_XXX_MAX_ENUM case to ensure the enum has a 32-bit range and in-memory size. It has no semantical impact and can be safely ignored.

◆ S2Kinematics

typedef struct S2Kinematics S2Kinematics

Structure S2Kinematics

The kinematic properties of an object (S2Body, S2Collider, or S2Trigger).

Since a body often contains multiple particles, every particle has its own kinematic state during the simulation. Thus, when creating a body, the specified S2Kinematics parameter is only meaningful for body initialization as the initial kinematic state of the body. A body's kinematics value becomes meaningless once the simulation starts.

◆ S2Material

typedef struct S2Material S2Material

Structure S2Material

Physical Materials. Describing a body's physical properties. This must be provided when creating a body.

◆ S2MaterialType

Enumeration S2MaterialType

Types of physical materials.

◆ S2Mobility

typedef enum S2Mobility S2Mobility

Enumeration S2Mobility

The mobility of an object (S2Body, S2Collider, or S2Trigger).

  • Bodies currently support S2_MOBILITY_STATIC and S2_MOBILITY_DYNAMIC mobilities.
  • Colliders currently support S2_MOBILITY_STATIC and S2_MOBILITY_KINEMATIC mobilities.
  • Triggers only support S2_MOBILITY_STATIC mobility.

◆ S2OutWorldBoundaryPolicy

Enumeration S2OutWorldBoundaryPolicy

This policy specifies the behavior of a body when it leaves the world.

◆ S2Particle

typedef struct S2Particle S2Particle

Structure S2Particle

Represents a particle in soft2d. Users could access particle attributes via this structure. This structure is primarily used in s2_manipulate_particles_in_trigger().

◆ S2ParticleManipulationCallback

typedef void(* S2ParticleManipulationCallback) ( S2Particle *particles, uint32_t size)

FunctionPointerType S2ParticleManipulationCallback

A function pointer type. The function pointer type is primarily used in s2_manipulate_particles_in_trigger().

particlesA particle buffer provided by soft2d.
sizeThe number of particles within the particle buffer.
particlesA particle buffer provided by soft2d.
sizeThe number of particles within the particle buffer.

◆ S2PolygonShape

Structure S2PolygonShape

A polygon shape. A polygon shape requires users to provide a pointer of S2Vec2 C array which stores all vertices of a polygon. These vertices should be in a counter-clockwise order.

◆ S2Shape

typedef struct S2Shape S2Shape

Structure S2Shape

A uniform representation of various shape structures. The value of type should be consistent with the underlying shape structure of shape_union.

◆ S2ShapeType

typedef enum S2ShapeType S2ShapeType

Enumeration S2ShapeType

Types of predefined shapes.

◆ S2ShapeUnion

typedef union S2ShapeUnion S2ShapeUnion

Union S2ShapeUnion

A union of shape structures, designed for a uniform representation of various shape structures.

◆ S2Trigger

typedef struct S2Trigger_t* S2Trigger

Handle S2Trigger

A trigger is a spatial area with a specific shape, which is able to detect particles passing through it.

◆ S2Vec2

typedef struct S2Vec2 S2Vec2

Structure S2Vec2

A 2D floating-point vector type.

◆ S2Vec2I

typedef struct S2Vec2I S2Vec2I

Structure S2Vec2I

A 2D integer vector type.

◆ S2World

typedef struct S2World_t* S2World

Handle S2World

A world is a container that contains all simulation-related objects within a scene and simulates them over time under physical laws.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ S2BufferName

Enumeration S2BufferName

The names of soft2d's internal buffer, mainly used in s2_get_buffer(). Soft2D exposes a series of internal GPU buffers, the subsequent table shows the detailed descriptions of each buffer.

Buffer Name Element Data Type Dimension Shape Flatten size (in bytes)
particle_num int 1 1 1*sizeof(int)
particle_position float2 1 P P*2*sizeof(float)
particle_velocity float2 1 P P*2*sizeof(float)
particle_tag int 1 P P*sizeof(int)
particle_id int 1 P P*sizeof(int)
fine_grid_collider_num int 2 (FG.x, FG.y) FG.x*FG.y*sizeof(int)
fine_grid_trigger_id int 2 (FG.x, FG.y) FG.x*FG.y*sizeof(int)
element_indices int 1 E E*3*sizeof(int)
  • P: Number of particles.
  • E: Number of triangle elements.
  • (FG.x, FG.y): Resolution of the fine grid.

This buffer only stores a single float value, indicating the current number of particles in the world.


Stores positions of all particles.


Stores velocities of all particles.


Stores tags of all particles.


Stores IDs of all particles.


Stores the number of colliders at every cell of the fine grid (after discretization). This buffer can be exported only if S2WorldConfig.enable_debugging is true.


Stores the trigger's ID (0 if none) at every cell of the fine grid (after discretization). If multiple triggers overlap on a single cell, only the ID of the most recently added trigger is stored. This buffer can be exported only if S2WorldConfig.enable_debugging is true.


Stores all indices of particles of all triangle elements. Note this index means the particle's index in the particle buffer, instead of their ID.

◆ S2CollisionType

Enumeration S2CollisionType

Colliders' collision types. Specifies a particle's behavior when colliding with a collider.


All velocity components of the particle will be set to 0.


The particle's velocity component along the contact normal direction will be set to 0, which leads to the particle 'sliding' along the collider surface. With this type, users can modify S2CollisionParameter.friction_coeff to adjust the friction to control the particle's behavior.


If the particle's velocity component along the contact normal direction is negative, then this part of the component will be set to 0. Otherwise, it keeps its original velocity. With this type, users can modify S2CollisionParameter.friction_coeff and S2CollisionParameter.restitution_coeff to adjust the friction and restitution to control the particle's behavior.

◆ S2MaterialType

Enumeration S2MaterialType

Types of physical materials.


Fluid type.


Elastic body type.


Snow type.


Sand type.

◆ S2Mobility

enum S2Mobility

Enumeration S2Mobility

The mobility of an object (S2Body, S2Collider, or S2Trigger).

  • Bodies currently support S2_MOBILITY_STATIC and S2_MOBILITY_DYNAMIC mobilities.
  • Colliders currently support S2_MOBILITY_STATIC and S2_MOBILITY_KINEMATIC mobilities.
  • Triggers only support S2_MOBILITY_STATIC mobility.

A static object's velocity is zero and its position can not be changed throughout the simulation.


A kinematic object is able to move, but it would not 'collide' with other objects.


A dynamic object is able to move, and it is able to 'collide' with other objects.

◆ S2OutWorldBoundaryPolicy

Enumeration S2OutWorldBoundaryPolicy

This policy specifies the behavior of a body when it leaves the world.


The body will still exist in the world, but it will be deactivated. This body won't move or interact with other objects anymore.


All particles in this body will be removed from the world (leading to an empty body).

◆ S2ShapeType

Enumeration S2ShapeType

Types of predefined shapes.


Box type.


Circle type.


Ellipse type.


Capsule type.


Polygon type.

Function Documentation

◆ s2_apply_angular_impulse()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_apply_angular_impulse ( S2Body  body,
float  impulse 

Function s2_apply_angular_impulse

Apply an angular impulse to all particles within a body. The average value of positions of all particles is treated as the body's center.

bodyBody handle.
impulseApplied angular impulse.

◆ s2_apply_impulse_in_circular_area()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_apply_impulse_in_circular_area ( S2World  world,
const S2Vec2 impulse,
const S2Vec2 center,
float  radius 

Function s2_apply_impulse_in_circular_area

Apply an impulse within a specified circular spatial region.

worldWorld handle.
impulseApplied impulse, equivalent to applied_force * applied_time.
centerThe center of the specified circular area.
radiusThe radius of the specified circular area.

◆ s2_apply_linear_impulse()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_apply_linear_impulse ( S2Body  body,
const S2Vec2 impulse 

Function s2_apply_linear_impulse

Apply a linear impulse to all particles within a body.

bodyBody handle.
impulseApplied linear impulse.

◆ s2_create_body()

S2_API S2Body S2_API_CALL s2_create_body ( S2World  world,
const S2Material material,
const S2Kinematics kinematics,
const S2Shape shape,
uint32_t  tag 

Function s2_create_body

Create a body with a predefined shape. Soft2D automatically generates the particles within the body.

worldWorld handle.
materialBody's physical material.
kinematicsBody's kinematic properties.
shapeBody' shape.
tagUser-specified custom tag.

◆ s2_create_collider()

S2_API S2Collider S2_API_CALL s2_create_collider ( S2World  world,
const S2Kinematics kinematics,
const S2Shape shape,
const S2CollisionParameter collision_parameter 

Function s2_create_collider

Create a collider with specified parameters.

worldWorld handle.
kinematicsCollider's kinematic properties.
shapeCollider's shape.
collision_parameterCollider's collision parameters.

◆ s2_create_custom_body()

S2_API S2Body S2_API_CALL s2_create_custom_body ( S2World  world,
const S2Material material,
const S2Kinematics kinematics,
uint32_t  particle_num,
void *  particles_in_local_space,
uint32_t  tag 

Function s2_create_custom_body

Create a body with user-specified particles. These particles form a complete body and their locations should be provided in the body's local space.

worldWorld handle.
materialBody's physical material.
kinematicsBody's kinematic properties.
particle_numThe number of particles in the particles_in_local_space buffer.
particles_in_local_spaceUser-specified particles data. This should be provided as a pointer of C S2Vec2 array. This array stores the local positions of all particles.
tagUser-specified custom tag.

◆ s2_create_mesh_body()

S2_API S2Body S2_API_CALL s2_create_mesh_body ( S2World  world,
const S2Material material,
const S2Kinematics kinematics,
uint32_t  particle_num,
void *  particles_in_local_space,
uint32_t  index_num,
void *  indices,
uint32_t  tag 

Function s2_create_mesh_body

Create a body with a 2D triangle mesh. The indices' winding order should be counter-clockwise.

worldWorld handle.
materialBody's physical material.
kinematicsBody's kinematic properties.
particle_numThe number of vertices in the particles_in_local_space buffer.
particles_in_local_spaceThe mesh's vertices data. This should be provided as a pointer of C S2Vec2 array. This array stores the local positions of all particles.
index_numThe number of indices in the indices buffer.
indicesThe mesh's indices data. This should be provided as a pointer of C int array. This array stores the indices of all triangle elements. Indices for a triangle element should be in a counter-clockwise winding order.
tagUser-specified custom tag.

◆ s2_create_trigger()

S2_API S2Trigger S2_API_CALL s2_create_trigger ( S2World  world,
const S2Kinematics kinematics,
const S2Shape shape 

Function s2_create_trigger

Create a trigger with specified parameters.

worldWorld handle.
kinematicsTrigger's kinematic properties.
shapeTrigger's shape.

◆ s2_create_world()

S2_API S2World S2_API_CALL s2_create_world ( TiArch  arch,
TiRuntime  runtime,
const S2WorldConfig config 

Function s2_create_world

Create a world with specified parameters.

archArchitecture of the taichi runtime.
runtimeAn instance of the taichi runtime.
configWorld's configuration.

◆ s2_destroy_body()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_destroy_body ( S2Body  body)

Function s2_destroy_body

Remove a body from the world and destroy it.

bodyThe body to be destroyed.

◆ s2_destroy_collider()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_destroy_collider ( S2Collider  collider)

Function s2_destroy_collider

Remove a collider from the world and destroy it.

colliderThe collider to be destroyed.

◆ s2_destroy_trigger()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_destroy_trigger ( S2Trigger  trigger)

Function s2_destroy_trigger

Remove a trigger from the world and destroy it.

triggerThe trigger to be destroyed.

◆ s2_destroy_world()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_destroy_world ( S2World  world)

Function s2_destroy_world

Destroy a world.

worldThe world to be destroyed.

◆ s2_export_buffer_to_texture()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_export_buffer_to_texture ( S2World  world,
S2BufferName  buffer_name,
S2Bool  y_flipped,
float  scale,
const TiTexture *  texture 

Function s2_export_buffer_to_texture

Export buffer data to a user-specified texture, useful for rendering or debugging. Currently, this function only support S2_BUFFER_NAME_FINE_GRID_COLLIDER_NUM and S2_BUFFER_NAME_FINE_GRID_COLLIDER_NUM.

worldWorld handle.
buffer_nameThe buffer name to export. Currently, this arguments only supports S2_BUFFER_NAME_FINE_GRID_COLLIDER_NUM or S2_BUFFER_NAME_FINE_GRID_COLLIDER_NUM.
y_flippedA option to control whether flip the coordinates of the y-axis or not.
scaleA factor to scale the numerical data to be exported.
textureThe destination texture for exporting.

◆ s2_get_buffer()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_get_buffer ( S2World  world,
S2BufferName  buffer_name,
TiNdArray *  buffer 

Function s2_get_buffer

Get the handle of a soft2d internal GPU buffer, useful for rendering or debugging.

worldWorld handle.
buffer_nameThe name of the internal buffer as per S2BufferName.
bufferA pointer to a TiNdArray to store the internal buffer reference.

◆ s2_get_collider_angular_velocity()

S2_API float S2_API_CALL s2_get_collider_angular_velocity ( S2Collider  collider)

Function s2_get_collider_angular_velocity

Get a collider's angular velocity.

colliderCollider handle.

◆ s2_get_collider_linear_velocity()

S2_API S2Vec2 S2_API_CALL s2_get_collider_linear_velocity ( S2Collider  collider)

Function s2_get_collider_linear_velocity

Get a collider's linear velocity.

colliderCollider handle.

◆ s2_get_collider_position()

S2_API S2Vec2 S2_API_CALL s2_get_collider_position ( S2Collider  collider)

Function s2_get_collider_position

Get a collider's position.

colliderCollider handle.

◆ s2_get_collider_rotation()

S2_API float S2_API_CALL s2_get_collider_rotation ( S2Collider  collider)

Function s2_get_collider_rotation

Get a collider's rotation.

colliderCollider handle.

◆ s2_get_trigger_position()

S2_API S2Vec2 S2_API_CALL s2_get_trigger_position ( S2Trigger  trigger)

Function s2_get_trigger_position

Get a trigger's position.

triggerTrigger handle.

◆ s2_get_trigger_rotation()

S2_API float S2_API_CALL s2_get_trigger_rotation ( S2Trigger  trigger)

Function s2_get_trigger_rotation

Get a trigger's rotation.

triggerTrigger handle.

◆ s2_get_world_config()

S2_API S2WorldConfig S2_API_CALL s2_get_world_config ( S2World  world)

Function s2_get_world_config

Get the current configuration of the specified world.

worldWorld handle.

◆ s2_get_world_grid_resolution()

S2_API S2Vec2I S2_API_CALL s2_get_world_grid_resolution ( S2World  world)

Function s2_get_world_grid_resolution

Get the current 2D grid resolution of the world. The grid resolution value in WorldConfig is one single integer, indicating the maximum component of grid resolution along the x-axis and the y-axis. This function returns both two components of the grid resolution in S2Vec2I type.

worldWorld handle.

◆ s2_manipulate_particles_in_trigger()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_manipulate_particles_in_trigger ( S2Trigger  trigger,
S2ParticleManipulationCallback  callback 

Function s2_manipulate_particles_in_trigger

Manipulate particles in a trigger area. An internal particle buffer is exposed to users via this function, and users could provide a callback function operating on that buffer. The user-provided callback function will be automatically executed before the next step. Currently, this function allows two kinds of users' operations:

See S2Particle and S2ParticleManipulationCallback for more details. This function works only when S2WorldConfig.enable_world_query is true.

triggerTrigger handle.
callbackUser-specified callback function. This parameter should be a function pointer of the S2ParticleManipulationCallback type.

◆ s2_query_particle_num_in_trigger()

S2_API uint32_t S2_API_CALL s2_query_particle_num_in_trigger ( S2Trigger  trigger)

Function s2_query_particle_num_in_trigger

Query the number of particles in a trigger area. This function works only when S2WorldConfig.enable_world_query is true.

triggerTrigger handle.

◆ s2_query_particle_num_in_trigger_by_tag()

S2_API uint32_t S2_API_CALL s2_query_particle_num_in_trigger_by_tag ( S2Trigger  trigger,
uint32_t  tag,
uint32_t  mask 

Function s2_query_particle_num_in_trigger_by_tag

Query the number of specified particles in a trigger area. A particle is treated as specified only when it satisfies the condition: (particle.tag & mask) == tag. This function works only when S2WorldConfig.enable_world_query is true.

triggerTrigger handle.
tagUser-specified tag.
maskUser-specified mask.

◆ s2_query_trigger_overlapped()

S2_API uint32_t S2_API_CALL s2_query_trigger_overlapped ( S2Trigger  trigger)

Function s2_query_trigger_overlapped

Query whether there are particles in a trigger area. This function works only when S2WorldConfig.enable_world_query is true.

triggerTrigger handle.

◆ s2_query_trigger_overlapped_by_tag()

S2_API uint32_t S2_API_CALL s2_query_trigger_overlapped_by_tag ( S2Trigger  trigger,
uint32_t  tag,
uint32_t  mask 

Function s2_query_trigger_overlapped_by_tag

Query whether there are specified particles in a trigger area. A particle is treated as specified only when it satisfies the condition: (particle.tag & mask) == tag. This function works only when S2WorldConfig.enable_world_query is true.

triggerTrigger handle.
tagUser-specified tag.
maskUser-specified mask.

◆ s2_remove_particles_in_trigger()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_remove_particles_in_trigger ( S2Trigger  trigger)

Function s2_remove_particles_in_trigger

Remove all particles in a trigger area from the world. This function works only when S2WorldConfig.enable_world_query is true.

triggerTrigger handle.

◆ s2_remove_particles_in_trigger_by_tag()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_remove_particles_in_trigger_by_tag ( S2Trigger  trigger,
uint32_t  tag,
uint32_t  mask 

Function s2_remove_particles_in_trigger_by_tag

Remove all specified particles in a trigger area from the world. A particle is treated as specified only when it satisfies the condition: (particle.tag & mask) == tag. This function works only when S2WorldConfig.enable_world_query is true.

triggerTrigger handle.
tagUser-specified tag.
maskUser-specified mask.

◆ s2_set_body_material()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_body_material ( S2Body  body,
const S2Material material 

Function s2_set_body_material

Set a body's physical material.

bodyBody handle.
materialThe new value of material.

◆ s2_set_body_tag()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_body_tag ( S2Body  body,
uint32_t  tag 

Function s2_set_body_tag

Set all particles' tags in a body to a single value.

bodyBody handle.
tagThe new value of tag.

◆ s2_set_collider_angular_velocity()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_collider_angular_velocity ( S2Collider  collider,
float  angular_velocity 

Function s2_set_collider_angular_velocity

Set a collider's angular velocity.

colliderCollider handle.
angular_velocityThe new value of angular velocity.

◆ s2_set_collider_linear_velocity()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_collider_linear_velocity ( S2Collider  collider,
const S2Vec2 linear_velocity 

Function s2_set_collider_linear_velocity

Set a collider's linear velocity.

colliderCollider handle.
linear_velocityThe new value of linear velocity.

◆ s2_set_collider_position()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_collider_position ( S2Collider  collider,
const S2Vec2 position 

Function s2_set_collider_position

Set a collider's position.

colliderCollider handle.
positionThe new value of position.

◆ s2_set_collider_rotation()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_collider_rotation ( S2Collider  collider,
float  rotation 

Function s2_set_collider_rotation

Set a collider's rotation.

colliderCollider handle.
rotationThe new value of rotation.

◆ s2_set_gravity()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_gravity ( S2World  world,
const S2Vec2 gravity 

Function s2_set_gravity

Set a world's gravity.

worldWorld handle.
gravityThe new value of gravity.

◆ s2_set_mesh_body_force_scale()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_mesh_body_force_scale ( S2World  world,
float  scale 

Function s2_set_mesh_body_force_scale

Set the scale factor of the mesh body's internal force.

worldWorld handle.
scaleThe new value of scale.

◆ s2_set_substep_timestep()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_substep_timestep ( S2World  world,
float  delta_time 

Function s2_set_substep_timestep

Set the time step for simulation sub-steps.

worldWorld handle.
delta_timeThe new time step of each sub-step.

◆ s2_set_trigger_position()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_trigger_position ( S2Trigger  trigger,
const S2Vec2 position 

Function s2_set_trigger_position

Set a trigger's position.

triggerTrigger handle.
positionThe new value of position.

◆ s2_set_trigger_rotation()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_trigger_rotation ( S2Trigger  trigger,
float  rotation 

Function s2_set_trigger_rotation

Set a trigger's rotation.

triggerTrigger handle.
rotationThe new value of rotation.

◆ s2_set_world_extent()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_world_extent ( S2World  world,
const S2Vec2 extent 

Function s2_set_world_extent

Set a world's extent.

worldWorld handle.

◆ s2_set_world_offset()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_world_offset ( S2World  world,
const S2Vec2 offset 

Function s2_set_world_offset

Set a world's offset.

worldWorld handle.

◆ s2_set_world_query_enabled()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_set_world_query_enabled ( S2World  world,
uint32_t  enable 

Function s2_set_world_query_enabled

Enable or disable the world querying.

worldWorld handle.
enableA `S2Bool` value, indicating enabling or disabling.

◆ s2_step()

S2_API void S2_API_CALL s2_step ( S2World  world,
float  delta_time 

Function s2_step

Advance a world's simulation by a real-world time step.

worldThe world to be simulated.
delta_timeThe time step for a step, indicating a real-world time duration.